
About DMG SC
DMG Service and Controls (SC) was founded to deliver a higher level of local support for the mechanical equipment represented throughout the DMG offices. For 50+ years DMG has represented some of the highest quality vendors in the HVAC marketplace. Our engineers work closely with the design and construction community to consistently deliver successful installations. Those mechanical systems are increasingly more intelligent, more connected, more efficient, and more specialized. The advances provide many benefits to our customers while also requiring increasingly specialized training and support. We provide successful startup of these advanced systems through coordination with our installing contractors, ongoing training, good documentation, great communication, and a solid hand off to the controls systems.

DMG SC is was built with our customers in mind and the response has been phenomenal. Each day we focus much of our time and energy on our contractors and owners, demonstrating the correct way to install, operate and maintain these systems. Much of this time happens one-on-one at the project jobsites. We get the chance to know what is happening as the job is progressing, long before ceilings and closed and typical startup team would be deployed.
Our technicians are curious and enjoy the ongoing learning that is part of the modern HVAC industry. They take pride in their contribution to making these complex systems perform at peak efficiency. Our team continues to expand throughout our territory and with opportunities for individuals at any level of experience or expertise. If you would like to be a part of this team, email us at: controls@dmghvac.com.
"Our engineers work closely with the design and construction community to consistently deliver successful installations."

The Controls group at DMG SC exists to fill a gap in the market where traditional BMS systems are simply not a good fit and a traditional thermostat isn’t enough. The DMG SC mission is to offer those target projects a fully featured controls system by taking advantage of the built-in intelligence, adding a few features or customization, zero duplication of functions, and at a great value to the project. Additionally, there is also a consistent need for our custom designed mechanical systems to utilize a unique controls capabilities. Our equipment expertise provides a unique opportunity to provide that advanced customization without having to budget time to “learn the system.” Customers are responding to this capability and providing these unit controllers to our custom solutions is our fastest growing offering. Finally, we believe that the most advanced, intelligent, and efficient systems should also be ones that are the easiest to use. Getting that balance right starts when we can engage the end customer early on in the design. Let us understand how we can help make your next project an unqualified success for everyone involved.

Victor Murphy
DMG SC President